Lotterywest grant puts WACA playground on a good wicket

Premier Roger Cook today presented a $5.2 million grant to support the historic transformation of the WACA.
  • $5.2 million Lotterywest grant presented to Western Australian Cricket Association for WACA Ground Improvement Project
  • New funding will help deliver all-abilities playground and enhanced art and signage
  • Lotterywest grant to support the WACA in becoming one of the country's most welcoming all-abilities venues in the country

Premier Roger Cook today presented a $5.2 million grant to support the historic transformation of the WACA.

The Lotterywest funding will go towards an all-abilities playground, fit out of calming and sensory rooms, specialised accessible gym equipment, interpretation works for the museum and all-ability changing facilities, supporting people living with disability.

The grant will also fund art reflecting the social and Aboriginal cultural history of the area and braille and audio looping for signage in key areas of the WACA grounds.

Showcasing the heritage of the WACA ground is a key element of Lotterywest's support, such as the interpretative works to tell the story of the ground's social history.

More details about the WACA Ground Improvement Project can be found here.

Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:

"We have an exciting vision for East Perth, and my Government is committed to ensuring people living, working and recreating in the city have the facilities they need.

"Lotterywest and the WACA are part of the fabric of Western Australia and it's fantastic that they are coming together to craft a space for everyone to enjoy.

"Last financial year, Lotterywest delivered its third consecutive year of record-breaking returns to the WA community, with $1.05 billion provided in lottery prizes and grants to support projects that benefit the community - just like this one."

Comments attributed to Perth MLA John Carey:

"This project is part of a larger effort to renew East Perth, and bring more vibrancy into this key part of the city.     

"With an increase in people and families choosing to live in the inner-city area, our Government is working to make sure there are adequate local facilities to service a growing inner-city community.

"Lotterywest's funding of this playground and additional facilities is great news for local families, and will help to make the WACA a go-to destination close to the Swan River and Perth CBD."
